Early Q4 2024
USDC Liquidity Pool
Create Meteora USDC Liquidity Pool

We will deploy a new Liquidity Pool on Meteora paired with USDC to get less volatible

Early Q4 2024
Marketing campaign

Big time marketing campaign is enabled. Shilling in AMA’s, heavy raiding and KOL’s

Mid Q4 2024
Game release
Game release on Android and IOS

Finally, after a long period of hard work we can release our highly anticipated mobile game on Android an IOS

End Q4 2024
Token burn
First token burn

With the revenue from game ads we plan to do our first token burn at the end of Q4. Attention – this is just possible if the market cap is at a particular level

Early Q1 2025
Start Merchandise shop with $GORE payment

The $GORE Merchandise shop will go online with exclusive $GORE payment.